Caplan Debt Solutions

End Your Debt in 2023 – Consumer Debt Proposal Manitoba

Consumer Debt Proposal Manitoba

What Do New Year’s Resolutions and Consumer Proposals in Manitoba Have to Do with Each Other?

The best time to take control of your finances and financial future is now. If your New  Year’s resolution is to regain your financial freedom, then consumer proposals in Manitoba make a lot of sense. 

If it takes a New Year’s resolution to motivate that change for the better, great!

But the key is to act now. 

There are far too many people suffering with an unbearable debt burden when they don’t have to. With the right steps you can address this debt problem and get out from under this financial pressure. 

The first step is to recognize that you have a debt problem. You might ask ‘how would I know if I have a debt problem’. There are some common signs that are very easy to recognize when you know what to look for. Any of the following indicate that you have a debt problem:

  • You are only making minimum payments on your credit cards
  • You need to use your credit card or cards to make ends meet every month
  • You are getting frequent calls from bill collectors
  • You have received a statement of claim from a creditor (i.e. you have been sued)
  • You are unable to sleep because you are so worried about your debts

If you are experiencing any or all of the issues above, to steal a line from a popular movie…who you gonna call? Caplan Debt Solutions.

I will personally walk you through all of your options. 

What are those options, by the way? 

Consumer Debt Proposal, Bankruptcy, and Debt Consolidation in Winnipeg – Which Is Right for Me?

Ultimately, most people facing financial difficulties have three common options: 

If my decades of experience have taught me one thing, it’s that a consumer proposal in Manitoba prepared by a competent Licensed Insolvency Trustee is a great way to turn your financial life around. 

You can pay your creditors an amount that you can afford on a monthly basis to deal with all of your debts. And within 5 years you can be debt free. 

There is:

  • No interest charged in a consumer proposal
  • No fees on top of your monthly payments
  • No endless stream of meetings when organizing it

There are two financial counseling sessions included in your proposal filing where we talk about important concepts such as budgeting, financial planning, goal setting, spending habits and rebuilding your credit. Learn more about consumer proposals:

Consumer Debt Proposal Winnipeg – Solve Your Financial Troubles Now

A common comment that I hear from people who file consumer proposals with Caplan Debt Solutions is ‘this has been a great relief’ or ‘after filing my proposal I had my best night of sleep in months’.

At Caplan Debt Solutions we will help relieve your financial stress and put your financial life back in order. And what if a consumer proposal is not the right solution for you? Don’t worry; bankruptcy is also an option and we will also explore the suitability of that option with you after fully explaining to you how a bankruptcy works.

So if you’re ready to get out from under your debt in 2023 you should at a minimum call or contact Caplan Debt Solutions to learn how we will help you take back control of your financial life.  

There is no cost to call and have a consultation with the staff at Caplan Debt Solutions. We would be happy to help you reach your financial goals.  

We wish you good health, good financial health and a happy 2023.