Caplan Debt Solutions

debt relief, new year's resolutions

Don’t Attach a Date to Your Financial Resolutions

For some people, January is the month for New Year’s resolutions. Personally, I don’t believe resolutions should have a set start-date; if I’m going to make a resolution, I want it to be effective immediately. It shouldn’t take until January 1 to start doing something you want to do, whether that’s getting healthier or finding debt relief.

Resolutions generally involve some sort of improvement: I’m going to start exercising, I’m going to eat healthier food, I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to start reading more, I’m going to renew some old friendships, I’M GOING TO FIND DEBT RELIEF AND GET MY FINANCES IN ORDER.

I put that last resolution in large print because it’s a BIG resolution. The challenge with BIG resolutions is that people don’t know where or how to start. My advice is to speak to a professional: a personal trainer can help you start exercising, a nutritionist can help you eat better, a weight loss program can help you lose weight, a library (I know, old school) will help you read more, a phone call to a friend is all it takes to rekindle a relationship, and a licenced insolvency trustee can help you address your financial challenges.

If you want to get your finances in order, CALL OR EMAIL CAPLAN DEBT SOLUTIONS. A simple first step will get you on your way to achieving your goal. At Caplan Debt Solutions, we have helped hundreds of people turn around their financial situations and get on the road to a healthy financial future. We will immediately address your most pressing financial problems, from impending or existing wage garnishments to limited or non-existent budgeting skills. You shouldn’t have to face your problems on your own – everyone needs a little help now and again and we are here to help. There is no cost to consult with us and no obligation to continue our engagement. If you don’t like what we tell you, you don’t have to proceed any further.

We are proud to say that over 99 per cent of the consumer proposals that we file are ultimately accepted by creditors. Our focus on client service has earned us a five-star rating on Google. Don’t wait to start your New Year’s resolution – call Caplan Debt Solutions today to find debt relief and take control of your finances. You will be happy you did.

Happy New Year from all of us at Caplan Debt Solutions!

Image: Shutterstock