Caplan Debt Solutions

Consumer proposal calculator

We are pleased to have introduced our Consumer Proposal Calculator. This is an important tool for a variety of reasons – not the least of which is that it gives you an accurate estimate of your debt relief options. 

For many regular Canadians – 75% of them, in fact – consumer proposals offer the best and most cost-effective solution to their debt. Only a quarter of consumers opt for bankruptcy, according to a study by the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals

Our calculator helps you see the way forward, towards a future that is debt free. 

Considering Your Debt Relief Options

If you are in financial difficulty, it is often difficult to face that reality and consider your options – but you can’t let yourself be overwhelmed. There is a solution and it’s a lot less painful than you might think. 

Speaking with a licensed insolvency trustee is a good place to start; we specialize in helping you assess your position and the options available to you. 

But before we even go there, you can check out our consumer proposal payment calculator to see how much you can save (often tens of thousands) by contacting a licensed insolvency trustee. 

The Consumer Proposal Calculator provides you with a simple, stress free mechanism to explore your options for dealing with a seemingly unmanageable debt load. 

The calculator compares the costs of: 

  • Consumer proposal
  • Credit counselling
  • Credit consolidation 
  • Paying off the debt on your own

Each option has the pros and cons listed so you have a baseline understanding of which solution makes the most sense for you. 

It’s worth noting that we have not included bankruptcy in the list of options because the cost of a bankruptcy can vary widely depending on circumstances such as the income that is earned in the family and the assets that you own.

From there, you’ll want to talk to a licensed insolvency trustee to dive deeper into your debt options and get a fuller understanding of what you can do today to start freeing yourself from your financial burdens. 

Why Consumer Proposals Often Make the Most Sense

A consumer proposal is the least expensive way to retire an unmanageable debt burden by a long shot. It is often also the fastest alternative as well.  

The first step is scheduling a free consultation with us at Caplan Debt Solutions to get a full explanation of what you can do to begin solving your debt problems.  

At Caplan Debt Solutions our goal is to remove the financial stress from your life and take debt off your mind. I had a meeting with a debtor yesterday and when we were done she said “I feel lighter already”. Many people have expressed how they sleep better after meeting with us – and that makes sense. We specialize in making unmanageable debt manageable. 

The calculator is just the first step towards financial freedom. It lets you see what your financial future can look like not having to pay multiple credit cards, loans and lines of credit.

Plug your numbers into the calculator, get a sense of how much you can save, think about how much better and less stressful your daily existence can be. And then, please, give us a call – we’re here to help you solve your debt. We’re your go-to source for consumer proposal Winnipeg help.